Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Day One Report

6/12 Intake:
9 am. Ripped Fuel, 2 cups of coffee, 10 raspberries, 2 almonds. 29 calories.
1 pm. 7 raspberries, 10 cashews. 101 calories.
4 pm. Ripped Fuel, 1 small apple, 20 cashews. 243 calories.
5 pm. 15 cashews. 141 calories.
7:45 pm. Sesame seed bagel and Iced Green Tea from Panera. 400 calories. 
9:30 pm. 5 cashews, a cup of grapes. 185 calories.
Total: 1,099 calories.

Some walking around, but no real exercise--I bruised my Achilles while moving out (I'm good at carts.) and am trying to rest it before the dance festival.
I'm pretty happy with how yesterday turned out. Could have done without the Panera, but K and A took me to the circus to watch some classes, and we all went to get food during a break.

Watching the circus classes was SO COOL. It made me want to be in much better shape--I'm in pretty decent shape as is, but everyone there is just INSANE. It's incredible what they can do with their bodies with such ease. So that's another reason why I'm okay with today's over-1000 intake. I don't want to make my body weak--I want to feed it to make it strong and lean and beautiful.

Here's shooting for another great day today.

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